Memory of Trepça

The project “Memory of Trepça: 100 Confessions of the Workers of Trepça” has collected the confessions of 100 different workers of Trepça: miners, engineers, administrators, directors, and various employees in its sectors. These stories were collected through autobiographical interviews conducted by the 7Arte organisation in collaboration with researchers from the Department of Anthropology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Pristina. The video recordings will be preserved as evidence of a memory of Trepça that has made the contemporary history of Kosovo. They will be placed in museums, libraries, archives, and websites and the transcripts will also be published as a book. In the future, it is also intended to translate them into English.

Why have these life stories of Trepça workers been collected?

Trepça is identified with modern Kosovo, both economically and politically. The stories of the workers of Trepça will monumentalize the untold memory of Trepça, of its miners. The collective memory of economic and industrial life has not been collected enough in Kosovo. These narratives will become one of the rare collections of the memory of industrialization in Kosovo. At the same time, they will also reflect the political, social and psychological memory of life in Kosovo.

Who needs this reminder of Trepça?

Interviews with the workers of Trepça, especially those who remember the time of rapid industrial development, but also the transformation in the managerial structure of Trepça, will be transformed into important documents for historiographical, sociological, anthropological studies and so on. They will become documents of the man of the underground of Kosovo, photographs of the memory of the miners who were the main economic beacons of the time.

100 interviews with former workers of Trepça

  1. Adnan Koroglu

2. Adnan Kusari

3. Adnan Shehu

4. Ajet Tahiri

5. Alije Gashi-Tmava

6. Asllan Hasani

7. Asllan Sylaj

8. Avdi Uka

9. Avdullah Haxha

10. Avni Kastrati

11. Bahtir Istrefi

12. Bajram Aliu

13. Bajram Beci

14. Bajram Mustafa

15. Bajram Salihu

16. Bedri Bunjaku

17. Beqir Maliqi

18. Bilall Neziri

19. Burhan Kavaja

20. Ekrem Belegu

21. Emina Nikshiq

22. Enver Isufi

23. Esma Vatovci

24. Fadil Osaj

25. Ferat Avdiu

26. Flamur Gojani

27. Gani Barani

28. Gani Beqiri

29. Habib Asllani

30. Hajradin Sadiku

31. Hakif Beqiri

32. Halit Begu

33. Halit Bislimi

34. Hamit Beqiri

35. Hasan Avdiu

36. Hysen Hoti

37. Ibush Jonuzi

38. Igballe Sejdiu Kurti

39. Isuf Peci

40. Izber Igrishta

41. Jeton Raqa

42. Jetullah Tahiri

43. Mehdi Jonuzi

44. Miftar Hyseni

45. Minir Dushi

46. Muharrem Avdiu

47. Nazif Gashi

48. Nazif Tahiri

49. Nazmije Kpuzi Terziqi

50. Nebih Ferizi

51. Nexhat Pacolli

52. Nezakete Hakaj

53. Nezir Behrami

54. Niman Uka

55. Nysret Maxhera

56. Pajazit Kaçiku

57. Qazim Avdyli

58. Qerim Zeneli

59. Ragip Studenica

60. Ramadan Ajeti

61. Ramadan Gjeloshi

62. Ramadan Uka

63. Ramadan Uka

64. Ramë Ahmeti

65. Ramiz Kadriu

66. Ramiz Osmani

67. Ramush Hyseni

68. Rexhep Qarkaxhija

69. Rexhep Rrahmani

70. Rizah Beqiri

71. Rizah Vrajolli

72. Sadije Asllani-Bilalli

73. Safet Krasniqi

74. Sahit Gashi

75. Salih Kurshumliu

76. Sefedin Istrefi

77. Sefedin Kastrati

78. Selim Selimi

79. Selvije Fejzullahu

80. Shaban Isufi

81. Shaban Shkodra

82. Shaban Voca

83. Shashivar Begu

84. Shefqet Musliu

85. Shukri Ibrani

86. Shukrije Zeqiri

87. Sofije Myftari

88. Sutki Didikoviç

89. Tahir Sadiku

90. Tahir Salihu

91. Vehbi Haxhiu

92. Vjollca Meha

93. Xhafer Emini

94. Xhafer Nuli

95. Xhemajl Beqiri

96. Xhemil Cena

97. Xhevahire Sylejmani

98. Xhevat Zogëjani

99. Zeki Loxha

100. Zeqir Fejzullahu

Memory Map

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